I haven't done much of these lately so I will give you a few extra for today's lesson in archaic terms and expressions. These may prove useful for your writing and renaissance fair/SCA events. I got these terms from various books and Internet glossaries.
Boggart - A goblin, hairy and short
Buckler - Small round shield
Liege-man - A loyal follower usual bound by feudal alligiance.
Panter or Pantler - In charge of the pantry where food and eating utensils are kept
Reeve - An overseer or steward of a manor
Hobnob - To converse in a friendly or casual way
League - A measure of distance, about three miles.
Excellent well! - Very good!
Pray tell - Tell me
Fie ! or Alack! or Out upon it! or Fie upon you! - All basically mean "Darn it!" or "Curse you!"
Excuse me or Pray pardon me or I cry your mercy - All mean "I beg your pardon"
I hope you find these helpful. Contact me if you have any questions and I will try to help. Have a great weekend!