I have edited and converted "The Priestess and the Ravenknight" into a printed trade book version and a new ebook version. And in doing this, added more story content, chapters and graphics. I even changed the book cover as well.
Here is a blurb from the story:
“How long have you been doing this, High Priestess?” I asked, feeling more relaxed now that we were alone.
“Quite a long time,” she answered calmly. “My thanks for allowing me to finish my task with the wood elf. I did wonder how long you would stand there and watch.” The high priestess turned and gazed up at me with her dark azure eyes. She looked so proud and fearless, but mayhap, also, a bit unsure about what to do next. I know I was. Her beauty rendered me speechless until I realized she was frowning. Afore I could utter a reply, she stood up in haste, and stepped away from the fiery pit, her eyes never leaving mine. I stepped back when I saw her extend her right hand, which held her sceptre, turning the ornate rod into a full-length staff that glimmered in the firelight. She whispered a quick incantation that made her entire body shimmer. Poised to attack, she lifted up her staff, aiming its sharp point at my chest.
This was not at all what I expected.
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