At the risk of coming across as a mother, I wish to share this advice that I myself need to follow. Focus on your priorities such as your spiritual needs, health, spouse, family/friends and job. Writing may be your main business and income, and you have bills to pay. This is not what I mean. I am writing today about those of us who write as a hobby or side job. I know how demanding our muses can be, but writing is a solo activity that requires a lot of attention. We spend hours at our PC's or LT's to write when there are loved ones that need us to help celebrate this special time of year.
So with this in mind, I have another chapter to post for my blog story: Add a Spark of Valor. I promise to write a weekly post till after New Year's Day, then I will return to more frequent posting and get back to work on my next book.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you all, dear friends and colleagues. Embrace your loved ones, get your flu shots, keep warm and healthy and be safe.
May the Lord bless you all!